

管健博士是北京高文律师事务所管理合伙人,在WTO和国际贸易法律领域从业 15 年,代表中国政府主办和参与多起WTO争端解决和贸易救济调查案件;并代表相关中国商协会参与了一系列国际经贸摩擦案件,特别是中美经贸摩擦案件,包括美国对华 301 调查、特别 301 调查和WTO 合规审查等。管健博士还代理了诸多中国知名企业参与欧盟、美国、加拿大、印度、澳大利亚、泰国、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、韩国、日本、巴西、越南、巴基斯坦和墨西哥等国发起的近百起贸易救济调查案件,以及若干贸易制裁合规项目,涉及了钢铁、化工、纺织、食品、生物、医药、电子、日用品、太阳能、汽车和通信等行业。此外,管健博士受相关部门委托参与中国政府开展的双边和区域经贸协定谈判, 并对WTO改革的最新发展进行全面和深入的分析研究,为中国政府部门提供决策参考。

电话:+86 10 8452 2800;邮箱:Guanjian@globe-law.com



Dr. Guan is a managing partner of Beijing Globe-law Law Firm, who has over fifteen years’ experiences in the field of WTO and international trade. He has represented the Chinese government and enterprises in a number of WTO dispute settlement cases and trade remedy investigations. Besides, he has, on behalf of relevant Chinese Chambers of Commerce, participated in many international economic and trade friction cases, including the US 301 investigation, special 301 investigation and WTO compliance review on China. Dr. Guan has represented many well-known Chinese companies in more than one hundred trade remedy investigations initiated by, and a number of trade sanction compliance projects concerning, the European Union, the United States, Canada, India, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea, Japan, Brazil, Vietnam, Pakistan and Mexico etc. Mr. Guan works closely with his clients in industries of iron and steel, chemical, textile, food, biology, medicine, electronics, daily necessities, photovoltaic, and electro-communications. Besides, Dr. Guan has also been involved in the negotiation of bilateral and regional economic and trade agreements carried out by the Chinese government, and has conducted comprehensive and in-depth analysis and research on the latest development of WTO reforms.


